International terrorism and the transport of dangerous goods

Perhaps all petrochemical products, pharmaceuticals, or the biologics industry do not fit into the category of hazardous goods, but the battery of a toy or notebook can be dangerous. A terrorist attack in Tunisia, in which a truck containing a dangerous item with a bomb exploded, has lit lighters to transport hazardous goods.
Particularly in the United States, which has peaked in this sector. The drafting of protective laws to prevent the abuse of hazardous materials transportation today is the subject of debate in the world’s most vibrant circles. Everyone believes that these rules will not achieve 100% safety.
However, in order to realize the safety of using a variety of sealing agents, plastic wiping, meter refilling, boxing plumbing … either during transit or in warehousing costs. Therefore, customers are looking for logistics contractors to ensure the highest safety level at acceptable prices.
To this end, they adapt terminals and port management to new conditions. The US government is constantly reminded that airports and ports need to improve security systems, especially those dealing with hazardous goods. And you should use a high-security suite.
The debate over the terrorists’ use of dangerous goods has fueled a new approach to security issues. The whispers that came to the forefront from September 11th. At the same time, real experts and leading shipping companies in the world ask legislators to ensure that when making and enforcing protective laws, the aspects of the profitability of transporting hazardous materials to private companies are always attractive. The chemistry industry itself has a direct connection with security, while in no way can it be ignored the contribution and role of these products in global trade.
International terrorism is a threat to the movement of goods in the logistics chain. There are enough good reasons behind this to justify countermeasures. However, it can hardly be accepted that terrorism only deals with reactionary actions. The point is that terrorism is not a new issue. Experts believe that it is not necessary to formulate widespread rules for it, rather than see what we are doing. So far, terrorist acts have not been seen in the transportation network of goods, but if the speed of the goods chain is reduced, then bin Laden will be the winner.
Because any action that leads to a slowdown in transportation will cause significant financial losses.


Imports into the United States now take 3 to 4 days more than the past, and shipping companies have been afraid that this time will be even greater. For the year 2005, shipping and logistics companies were expected to reduce the training and security costs of more manpower. However, new security programs have been created and implemented. At the same time, the United Nations has drafted new laws known as “Orange Books” for more security measures, which stipulate strict rules only to increase shipping costs and reduce the speed of goods transmissions. Another achievement It will not have. Since April 2002, the German Chemical Industry Association has adopted minimum safety standards for the transport of hazardous materials. However, the waste has not been noticeable. In 2002, nearly 57 million tons of goods were discharged from the federal German ports. 70 percent of this (about 40 million tons) is classified as dangerous goods.
Flammable goods, such as crude oil and refined products, amount to about 37.7 million tons. The rest were liquid chemicals. German analysts are looking for suspicion of a special sensitivity that is being inducted by the United States and do not believe that such laws can prevent or even reduce terrorist operations. Therefore, they should use the types of plumbing that provide higher security. Such as a towing bell, plastic plumbing, meter refilling.
They believe there should be a single standard in countering terrorism. Terrorism is a problem of the international community and its threats are not limited to a country or a set of countries. Therefore, it is unacceptable that an economy would incur additional costs in a space where there are no unified rules and regulations. Dealing with hazardous goods requires trained and accountable personnel. Especially when dealing with liquid gases. These laws require individuals to comply with a “must”, especially when dangerous goods should be shifted to other commercial goods. Drug delivery of hazardous goods to the European Union In Europe, training on how to carry hazardous goods in Europe still does not follow a single standard. Here, the educational situation of the countries of Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy has been examined. Everyone who has worked in the transportation industry and specialized in the transport of hazardous goods knows that the uniformity of the knowledge of this transport and its adaptation to The extent to which international staff standards are needed.

The transport staff of hazardous materials are faced with a number of questions about how to carry hazardous goods across the European Union:
What are the best shipping options, including air, sea, rail and road, and the most suitable tools for transporting hazardous goods?
How should tools be used and what are the categories of goods?
The answer to these questions is but not the same and varies from country to country. By the year 2000, hazardous goods transport operators in all EU Member States were obliged, in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law, to provide a special employee for the transport of hazardous materials or to have safety consultants in relation to the Types of Pumpkills. The
Germany: In 1999 the German law on the transport of dangerous goods was announced. The decree issued a prescription order to train individuals specializing in the transportation of hazardous goods. The law also included drivers and assigned special responsibilities to these people. This additional training was in fact a new addition to the previous law on the classification of hazardous goods.

A general and general law that specifies the types of packaging, labels and sealing, types of sealing, plastic wrapping, towing pawns, meter refills, cable closures on the transport fleet and goods, and documents required. This law also specifies What materials should not be shipped together. This law included traffic law inspection standards, special injunctions during an accident, and very precise safety instructions.
The construction companies wanted to carry hazardous goods; they had to undergo tests for the type of filling. Even companies that only wanted to transport a type of goods in a specific category, needed to obtain a license with the help of a safety adviser. This credential was 5 years old. To prolong this period, employees and drivers involved in the transportation of hazardous goods were obliged to retest a test to ensure their readiness.
These trainings were carried out at work and at the expense of the employer, and those who succeeded in passing the test successfully passed a special certificate.
France: Certain powers for private companies to carry hazardous goods have not yet been drafted, but French law has provided workers with training for the employer. Training courses for safety consultants last for one to two weeks. Half of these units are taught in theory and theoretically, and the other half of the time, the staff are practicing in specific places the theoretical issues of the classroom are implemented. Then, these employees receive a 6-hour test to obtain the required certification They spend.
4-Testimonials The various methods of clamping and clamping are examples of the many employees who are thinking about lending. There are now catalogs in France that include 1,000 professional questions and samples of hazardous materials.
Anyone who wants to qualify as a safety adviser in France will need to spend between 250 and 300 euros to take the test.

Italy: Italian safety advisers are formally and in accordance with EU rules. The condition is not a legal requirement for attending a test, leading to driving schools, and specialized transport associations are considered a prerequisite for success in this test. The Italian Ministry of Transport has queried its website. The test time lasts from 4.5 to 6.5 hours.
Switzerland: As of January 1, 2001, the staff training law on the safety of the carriage of hazardous substances has been ratified and has been in place since January 1, 2003. Courses include general training materials, types of sealing, plastic wiping, meter refilling, towing bits, rotary sealing, cable fitting and more. Is.
Shipping specialties are included in 24 courses. Road safety is the responsibility of the government. National Transportation Bureau is responsible for securing the internal waterways and railways.


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